Saturday, July 16, 2011

I need medical help!?

I can't precisely answer your question but I've had at least a dozen kidney stones so I can tell you about the symptoms. The fact that you have "attacks" sounds like kidney stones. They come and go, and when you have a kidney stone attack, it can put on the floor writhing in pain. People who have never had them can't believe they hurt so much and they think you're just a wuss. But my mother had two difficult labors and she also had kidney stones, and she told me the kidney stones hurt worse than childbirth - and the attacks could go on as long as labor and delivery. My pain always started in the back, just above the hip and below the rib cage. It's not like pain from spine problems - it actually occurs a couple of inches away from the spine. Sometimes my pain would radiate around to the front and down into the groin. I found the only thing that helped relieve the pain (outside of some very heavy painkillers) was lying in the bathtub in warm water. No doctor ever told me to do that - I just figured it out because I was trying everything I could. Not exactly what you asked, but I hope it helps.

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